
New updates and product improvements. Keep up to date with the latest news.

June 26, 2024 Simplified sending and receiving data via the Glassflow Python SDK

We have streamlined the pipeline client usage via the Python SDK by removing the requirement for passing space_id, pipeline_id and pipeline_access_token. Now, you can send and receive events from the pipeline without specifying pipeline credentials explicitly in the code.

How it works

Set environment variables with your actual GlassFlow pipeline credentials such as PIPELINE_ID and PIPELINE_ACCESS_TOKEN:

export PIPELINE_ID=your_pipeline_id
export PIPELINE_ACCESS_TOKEN=your_access_token

GlassFlow locates environment variables automatically and passes them internally to the Python SDK client:

Example simplified SDK code:

import glassflow

client = glassflow.GlassFlowClient()
pipeline_client = client.pipeline_client()

data = {
    "id": "123",
    "source": "sdk testing"  
} # your JSON data to send to the pipeline 

response = pipeline_client.publish(data)

Old Way Still Supported

For those with existing setups, the old way of passing pipeline credentials is still supported. Try it out now: Published Data or Consume Data Release notes: Python SDK v1.0.5

June 21, 2024 Built-in Editor for Transformation Functions

We're excited to announce a powerful new feature in the GlassFlow WebApp: the Built-in Editor for transformation functions. Now, when creating a new pipeline, you can write and edit your transformation function code directly within the GlassFlow interface. Also, you can choose a sample transformer template from the menu. Try it out now: For more details, visit the Quickstart using the Web App page.

June 7, 2024 New Pipeline creation flow on GlassFlow Web App

You can now create your pipelines through a simplified process on GlassFlow WebApp. You are guided through each step of the pipeline creation process with the option to choose consumer, transformation function, and producer from the UI. Inline links to relevant documentation and learning materials help you understand each step.

Try it out now: For more details, visit the Quickstart using the Web App page. Release notes: WebApp v1.3.1

May 21, 2024 New easy way to copy pipeline configuration credentials.

Last updated

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