Manage pipeline

This page explains how to manage pipelines in GlassFlow.

Get Pipeline Credentials

You often need to retrieve your pipeline credentials to publish or consume data using the Python SDK. This section will guide you on getting pipeline credentials using the CLI and the WebApp.

Get Pipeline Credentials Using the CLI


Open your terminal and log in to your GlassFlow account:

glassflow login

Run the following command to retrieve Pipeline ID and Space ID:

glassflow pipeline list

You will get a message on the terminal with the Pipeline ID and Space ID:

ID               | Name                    | Space ID      | Space Name      |
your_pipeline_id | your_pipeline_name      | your_space_id | your_space_name |

To get the pipeline access token, run the List Access Tokens CLI command:

glassflow pipeline tokens {pipeline_id}
Name    | ID                            | Token     |
default | your_pipeline_access_token_id | **********|

Note down the Pipeline ID, Space ID, and Access Token. You'll set them as environment variables when you publish or consume data.

Get Pipeline Credentials Using the WebApp

Go to the and log in with your account credentials.

Choose the existing pipeline, click, and open the pipeline view. Navigate to the dropdown Actions and click on Copy Configuration File:

This action copies Pipeline ID, Space ID, and Access Token. You'll set them as environment variables when you publish or consume data.

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