
Learn about consumer in GlassFlow.

What is a Consumer in GlassFlow?

A consumer in GlassFlow is an entity that retrieves and utilizes the processed data from the pipeline. Consumers can be applications, services, or real-time systems that need the processed data for further operations. For example, a consumer could be:

  • A dashboard application displaying real-time analytics.

  • A machine learning model consuming enriched data for predictions.

  • A reporting tool generating periodic reports based on processed data.

Consumers use the GlassFlow API, SDK, or built-in integrations to pull data from the pipeline. They can read real-time data from the GlassFlow pipeline and send the transformed data to desired destinations continuously.

Custom SDK Consumer

You can create a custom consumer using the GlassFlow SDK to integrate your applications with GlassFlow seamlessly in Python. This flexibility lets you send data to any data destination from the GlassFlow pipelines.

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